Recovery Colleges
Imroc developed the Recovery College model, initially implemented in three demonstration sites: South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, and Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. The introduction of Recovery Colleges is described in Imroc’s first briefing paper. Today, there are over 220 Recovery Colleges across the UK and in 26 countries worldwide. Supporting these colleges has been a key focus for Imroc, with ongoing work published in the briefing paper "Recovery Colleges 10 Years On."
In 2023, 28 organisations have come together to form the largest network of 43 Recovery Colleges globally, working collaboratively to shape the future of Recovery Colleges. This initiative is part of the International Recovery College Learning Set, co-facilitated by Imroc Consultants Dr Rachel Perkins and Dr Sue Williams. The Learning Set is a dynamic platform that facilitates knowledge sharing and continual development among Recovery Colleges, helping to develop system strategy and redesign for mental health and wellbeing services.
Imroc also plays a significant role as a co-applicant on the RECOLLECT research programme, focusing on Recovery Colleges. For those interested in joining the 2023 International Recovery College Learning Set or discussing new or existing Recovery Colleges, the Imroc Recovery College Team is available for consultation.
To join the International Recovery College Action Learning Set in 2023 or speak to a member of the Imroc team, click here. Supporting the development of Recovery Colleges adhering to ImROC principles remains a cornerstone of our work, both nationally and internationally. The International Recovery College Learning Set is a trademark initiative of Imroc, paving the way for future advancements in Recovery College development.
South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. Imroc’s first briefing paper.
“Since attending the Imroc training at the Recovery College on Woburn Road, Bedford, in March 2024, I have felt incredibly empowered and inspired as a Peer Tutor. The training has motivated me to take more initiative and work collaboratively with my colleagues on exciting new projects at Beds RC.
I want to thank you immensely for your input, which has profoundly impacted me. Your approach to coproduction has helped me take my role more seriously, let go of my identity as someone with a serious mental illness, and develop stronger relationships with our students. The training has shown me my capabilities and how I can add value to our Recovery College.”
“I think they’re fantastic. I think it is so important for our continued growth we have a forum where we can hear from colleges up and down the country and learn together. I think Imroc has created a shared space where people feel safe to problem solve together in a coproduced environment, being a part of shaping the thinking. Having a space to share evidence and excellence gives more credence to our endeavours when representing our Colleges. There’s strength in numbers!
I also like having international guests as I feel the 6 Imroc defining features are robust enough to be used anywhere and learning from different cultures in our current diverse communities can only be a great thing. I think they are well presented by Rachel and Sue who both bring their wisdom and experience in facilitating the learning and Daniela is very efficient in her communications, emails and recordings.
I’m a great believer in the learning sets and in my view are well worth the cost.”
“It’s great to link up with other Recovery Colleges. Some of the presentations are really useful.”
“Fantastic opportunity to connect and learn from each other re. what different Recovery Colleges are doing”