Peer Visioning Event 2030

On April 25th, 2024, we hosted our highly anticipated conference - it was an exhilarating experience and the energy in the room was palpable. Collaboratively, we engaged in inspiring and ground-breaking discussions, marking a thrilling step forward in shaping a brighter future for peer support. 

What was the aim of the event?  

Our vision is to create a brighter future for peer support by fostering collaboration and innovation. Through the event we strived to:  

  • Bring together experts to discuss the future of Peer Support Working. 

  • Share innovative strategies and achievements in the field. 

  • Empower delegates to support positive transformation in mental health. 

What did the event involve?  

We kicked off the day with an invigorating ukulele performance, followed by warm welcomes and some introductory talks including:  

  • Mental Health Executive leaders to support Peer Support 

  • What is Peer Support?  

  • Insights on the current landscape and future possibilities 

  • Developments happening in Australia

  • Research and calls for a national strategy 

  • Engaging voluntary sector organisations

  • Employment models for Peer Support Workers

  • Training and supervision  

  • Driving the development of a robust peer workforce

Afternoon workshops explored: 

  • Influencing policy 

  • Disrupting hierarchies 

  • The importance of spirituality in peer support 

  • Extending peer support beyond mental health 

  • Establishing a peer support body  

  • Organisational support for Peer Support Workers

The event wrapped up with feedback from workshop facilitators, our Mental Health Peer Training Lead, Danny Bowyer’s personal view on the importance of peer support, and future plans outlined by Imroc’s CEO, Julie Repper. 

Outcomes and Calls to Action

Everyone’s experience contributed to making this a great day. The shared passion and purpose to demonstrate the potential benefits of peer support across the system and beyond was evident.  

The following day we held a reflection session and some calls to action were agreed: 

  • Determine the form, function and location of a peer support organisation to provide overarching support including advice on employment rights (for peers and their employers), options for training, available jobs, helpful resources and other things – all to be agreed. To join this conversation, please contact Rachel: 

  • There was agreement that peers are increasingly offering peer-led support that provides non-medicalised, holistic support to make sense of emotional and spiritual crises. This area of work benefits from collective experiential wisdom. To join this conversation, please contact Katie on this email address  

  • There is wide-ranging enthusiasm for developing the peer support workforce across all areas of health and social care. Many event participants were working independently in different areas. The event provided opportunities for sharing resources and networking. Imroc offers a communication point to link people working in similar areas and share progress. Please do contact if you would like to discuss your ideas or find others who are developing similar work.  

As these exciting streams of work progress, we are open to your involvement and suggestions.  

The biggest take home message from the day was that whilst we may all have different priorities and ambitions our values are consistent, and we can achieve more together than individually. 


“The event exceeded my expectations. I’ve attended similar large gatherings in the past and they feel uplifting on the day, but then the energy fades. Imroc seems to harness the energy they generate and ensure its carried forwards; everyone is invited to play a part – I’ve never known an organisation to embody its values as much as Imroc does”

 Visions of Opportunity for 2030 event delegate  

For more information about how you can get involved, please contact us.


Imroc Journey from 2008-2024 


Recovery Colleges