
Imroc provides bespoke consultancy services to organisations aiming to embed best practice values and principles into their operations. We work closely with our clients, utilising a co-production approach to develop innovative and practical strategies. Our consultancy services are designed to drive transformative organisational change, fostering cultures that support everyone's journey.

Organisational Development

We work collaboratively to develop innovative strategies that enhance service delivery and improve outcomes for those being supported and those working in your organisation with experienced consultants bringing lived and learnt experience.

Co-Production Facilitation

We assist organisations in implementing co-production, ensuring that the voices of those with lived experience are central to service design and delivery.

Recovery Colleges

We are experienced in providing support for your Recovery College set up and ongoing support. These programs are developed collaboratively with people who have lived experience, healthcare professionals, and educators. Join our Recovery College Learning Set today.

Transformative Organisational Change

We help organisations shift towards more recovery-oriented practices, based on Imroc’s longstanding methodology and experience.