Imroc’s Global Impact on Recovery-Focused Mental Health Services 

Imroc has established strong working relationships and delivered impactful projects across the globe, enhancing recovery-focused mental health services through training, consultancy, and collaborative research. Here are some highlights of Imroc’s international work: 


Since 2010, the Imroc Team have visited Denmark on many occasions and also hosted visits in the UK. From 2021 – 2024 Imroc supported the ambitions of the Mental Health Services of the Capital Region to implement and embed the Recovery Excellence Framework (REFrame).

Hong Kong

Since 2014/15, Imroc has maintained a close relationship with the New Life Psychiatric Association, working on numerous projects and fostering strong partnerships with key organisations. 


Between 2017 and 2019, Imroc provided research support and peer support training in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, contributing to the development of peer support services in the region. 


Ongoing collaborations with Tokyo University have led to several exchange visits and Imroc training sessions in Japan, enhancing mutual learning and development in 2019/20. In 2024, Imroc is supporting the review and development of Japan’s network of Recovery Colleges.


Imroc has an established relationship with the Al Amal Psychiatric Hospital through ongoing consultancy work by one of our Senior Consultants. 


Since 2018, Imroc has been providing consultancy services to the Singapore National Council of Social Services, continuing to build this relationship with ongoing projects into 2022. 


Imroc has an extensive portfolio of work across all six Australian states, including consultancy, training, and support for Recovery College development. Imroc is also part of the Recovery College Learning Set and is involved in forming and supporting the International Peer Leadership Qualification. 

Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Kenya

Imroc is a co-applicant in the HOPE study, which commenced in 2022 and continues through 2023/24. This project, in partnership with Kings College London, focuses on developing peer workers to support homeless people in these countries.  

South Africa

Imroc is engaged in a feasibility study for peer support groups for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, specifically supporting the design and delivery of peer support training. 


In 2015, Imroc supported the training of a group of Ugandan peer support workers. Currently, Imroc is a co-applicant on the Upsides Research Project, training peer support in Uganda and other low and middle-income countries. Imroc co-produces and co-delivers peer support training for peer trainers. 


Since 2015, Imroc colleagues have been invited to speak at universities and conferences on four separate occasions. The Flanders Recovery College Network closely collaborates with Imroc and participates in the Imroc Recovery College Learning Set. 


In 2018, Imroc was invited to support the International Federation of Not for Profit Organisations in developing a Bulgarian-based Recovery College. 

North America

In 2023, Imroc colleague Ellie Manning undertook her Roosevelt Scholarship, traveling across the United States and Canada to reconnect and support American recovery services. 

Through these diverse international projects, Imroc works collaboratively, together building sustainable mental health systems globally, learning from one another, to collectively strive towards hope, control and opportunity for when we find ourselves experiencing challenging times or distress.


Imroc is supporting the development and review of the country’s Recovery College as it strives to inform mental health policy reform.


Imroc’s Thought Leadership in Recovery-Focused Mental Health 


Mental Health Peer Training Team at Imroc