Consultancy to Transform Lived Experience Services 

Imroc is providing lived experience support for Project Fusion. This is the name for the work being undertaken to bring services provided by Solent NHS Trust, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, community, mental health and learning disability services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust, and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services provided by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust in Hampshire into a single NHS trust.  The aim is for the new trust to form by 1 July 2024 

Imroc has been working with Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust over the past five years, providing expert advice to a number of programmes of work,  coaching for the peer support lead and reviewing their Recovery college. In project Fusion, Imroc supported the Lived Experience workstream by drafting the ‘patient benefit case’ for coproduction detailing the evidence base for peer support workers, recovery education and co-production; and is currently co-developing an options appraisal for peer support and supporting workshops to plan an effective, co-ordinated and coproduced peer workforce and Recovery College strategy across the new Trust. 


Implementing the Imroc methodology in Ireland  


The Hewitt Review: An opportunity to invest in the power of communities to achieve greater wellbeing?