Other Training and CPD Opportunities
Imroc has developed a number of bespoke recovery focused and peer informed sessions to meet the needs of people working within recovery and peer roles and settings. If you have a specific training request please contact.
Some examples of our CPD Sessions:
Tthe things that divide us This session will explore stigma from a few different angles, exploring the ways in which stigma can manifest and how we can challenge it. Instead of taking an academic approach, which often allows for us to detach themselves from being perpetrators or carriers of stigma, this session will take a creative approach, utilising analogy and storytelling.
Home In The Mind
Most people associate home with safety. One of the challenges in mental health is creating a sense of safety in our minds. This session will help us think about how we can make our mind a safe place to be. We are going to look at the power of containment and develop ideas for creating a “home in the mind.”
Whose language are you speaking? This session will first take a broad look at how language has evolved and how that evolution is based on radical changes brought about through history. Then, we will explore the ways in which this evolution has impacted the language of mental health and how we can restore the power and agency back to those who speak it.
Room to GROW:
Do you have a challenge you would like to work on? This session will involve a practical exploration of the GROW coaching tool in the service of developing ourselves as trainers, peer support workers, clinicians. Attendees will have an opportunity to practice coaching skills using this tool and create a personal action plan to develop an aspect of their support style.
To learn more, contact imroc@imroc.org
Explore Our Workshops:
Peer Leaders Network
The Peer Leaders Network brings together people who coordinate, manage, support, develop and define peer support within their places of work.
Each session focuses on a different group-identified area of challenge and provides a space to learn from similar challenges, share stories of success and collaborate to find practical ways forward.
It aims to offer a values-based space with a focus on sharing information, generating solutions and building networks.
Ongoing and continuous
Online via Zoom
Who is this for?
Those who coordinate, manage, support, develop and define peer support within their roles
What you will get
The main aim of the Peer Leaders Network is to provide a space to experiences and learning for mutual benefit and work together to create tangible actions for change
Additional Details
Induction & Assessment: No
Cohort Size: Unlimited
Cost & Booking: Contact danny@imroc.org
A Space to Think: Creating Communities that can Transform Culture and Rekindle Compassion
A Space to Think is a development programme that brings together Acute Inpatient Ward Leaders to create a more recovery-focused, trauma informed, compassionate and supportive culture. The programme emphasises collaboration, drawing on the individual needs and aspirations of the diverse range of people who use inpatient wards and those who are close to them. Key principles include; bottom-up approaches to change, recognising the centrality of relationships, the power of small changes, and the importance of staff well-being.
Imroc’s development programmes provide a structured space for ward leaders to reflect, celebrate achievements, and strategise for cultural change. Expert facilitators with diverse experiences guide participants through sessions focused on values, relationship-building, safety, co-production, and staff well-being. The goal is to align actions with values, reduce burnout, and enhance service user experience and recovery.
The development programme is designed to support and extend the national ‘Culture of Care’ programme. National programmes can only work with a limited number of wards whereas the Imroc programme aims to create a community where inpatient ward leaders can come together to share ideas and create change in the culture and practice of inpatient wards.
We usually offer 6-8 sessions spaced at approximately monthly intervals so that participants are supported to implement change on the basis of the ideas generated.
Face to face and / or Online via Zoom
Who is this for?
Acute inpatient ward leaders and supporting teams
Programme Topics
Our co-produced and co-delivered development programme can be tailored to the individual needs of your service, below is an example of typical content.
Thinking about the purpose, values and principles underpinning inpatient care and the range of people served.
Celebrating what has already been achieved and thinking about ways to build on this to create further cultural change.
Understanding the centrality of relationships in providing compassionate, personalised, recovery-focused, and trauma-informed care and support.
Promoting safety and reducing restrictive practice, and the importance of relationships in doing this.
Establishing the co-production structures and processes necessary to co-design and co-deliver change culture and practice.
Considering how to provide compassionate, recovery-focused, trauma-informed, and neuro-inclusive support across the whole inpatient journey: from welcoming people to the ward, through supporting people in their recovery during their stay and helping them to move on from the ward.
Developing ways in which staff well-being can be better supported.
Helping staff to see that, despite all the challenges they face, despite all the challenges they face, they can make a difference to people’s lives: that what they are doing really is worthwhile.
The Imroc Team Recovery Implementation Plan (TRIP): A Framework for Creating Recovery-Focused Services can be used within the programme to empower teams to translate recovery ideas into practice and to utilise the skills and resources of everyone, both those providing and those using services, to develop innovative ways of promoting recovery and recovery environments.
Additional Details
Induction & Assessment: No
Cohort Size: Unlimited
Cost & Booking: Contact imroc@imroc.org
Coaching Skills for Recovery
This course begins to explore basic coaching skills and how they may be utilised as a key tool and an effective way to support and promote recovery and wellbeing in all areas of health and social care. We emphasize personal choice, responsibility and self-management. This helps increase self-awareness and confidence, resulting in effective interpersonal communication.
This is a very interactive course that includes taught material, as well as group activities and skills based role play exercises, that provide opportunity to practice learnt skills. Participants will take it in turns to adopt the roles of coach, client and observer. A strong emphasis is placed on reflection of personal experiences and, of our own strengths, leadership and development needs, applicable to your role and to begin a process of change, while becoming knowledgeable in the Coaching approach.
3 days
Two days consecutive face to face course and the one day follow on course is a month later, allowing for the practice of skills back in the work place.
Who is this for?
All clinical / non clinical staff, Managers / Senior Managers, roles in Supervision / Leadership / Management.
What You Will Get
Communication styles and Coaching techniques (e.g. rapport, listening skills, powerful questions, the GROW model)
Opportunities to discover and recognise your own strengths that can empower the work client / relationship
An environment that provides you with time to think, and to spend on the practical application of the skills being taught.
Steps to goal setting – identifying what an individual wants to be, do, or have.
Understanding our own values and being able to support others to identify their own.
Recognising and addressing potential areas of conflict and sabotage.
Additional Details
Induction & Assessment: No
Cohort Size: 12-20
Cost & Booking: Contact imroc@imroc.org
Delivered in Partnership with www.coachingforrecovery.org
Facilitator – Helen K Cyrus (Qualified Life Coach & NLP Practitioner)