
Welcome to the Imroc Publications section. Everything Imroc does is based on evidence-informed by lived experience voices, drawing on best practices, evaluation and research. Here, you will find a comprehensive collection of our thought leadership materials, research papers, and briefing documents that support our work. Imroc’s publications are designed to be accessible, free of charge, and beneficial to a wide range of audiences, including those living with, working in, or commissioning mental health services. By maintaining a strong focus on quality, collaboration, and impact, our publications aim to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives and practices. Explore our resources to gain valuable insights and support your journey towards recovery-oriented mental health services.  

Briefing Paper Imroc Briefing Paper Imroc

5. Peer Support Workers: Theory and Practice

Using peer support workers to support the recovery of people with mental illness can add significant value to mental health services, sometimes at no extra cost, according to new research published today. This paper sets out the spectrum for peer support in mental health services, which can range from naturally occurring through to formal employment of people with lived experience of mental ill-health.

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Briefing Paper Imroc Briefing Paper Imroc

4. Recovery: A Carer’s Perspective

This briefing paper examines what Recovery means for the families and friends of people with mental health conditions. It suggests ways in which these informal carers can support Recovery and looks at how mental health services can give the best possible help to do this. It also provides information about key resources, including the Triangle of Care and a Wellbeing Recovery Plan for families and friends.

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Briefing Paper Imroc Briefing Paper Imroc

3. Recovery, Public Mental Health and Wellbeing

Recovery is concerned with living a life beyond illness (Shepherd et al., 2008). While the ideas of recovery and recovery-oriented practice have the potential to transform mental health services, we need to look beyond what is provided by these services and examine the whole range of resources and opportunities that can support quality of life, full citizenship and human rights for people with mental health problems.

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Briefing Paper Imroc Briefing Paper Imroc

2. Recovery, Personalisation and Personal Budgets

The purpose of this paper is to explore the links between recovery and personalisation and demonstrate how both are part of a common agenda for mental health system transformation. While personalisation in mental health services is a more recent concept, it builds on approaches that are already underway as part of recovery-oriented practice. In fact, personalisation, personal budgets (PBs) in social care and personal health budgets (PHBs) in the NHS can help embed and enhance recovery-oriented practice.

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Briefing Paper Imroc Briefing Paper Imroc

1. Recovery Colleges

Recovery Colleges can revolutionise mental health services and help people to fulfil their potential. They deliver comprehensive, peer-led education and training programmes within mental health services. They should be run like any other college, providing education as a route to Recovery, not as a form of therapy with courses co-devised and co-delivered by people with lived experience of mental illness and by mental health professionals.

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Briefing Papers

Provide comprehensive overviews and best practices around current topics of interest. They include detailed evidence, policy context, best practice guidance, and personal narratives to support the implementation of best practices.  

Position Papers

Articulate our stance on particular issues, illustrating how our values are enacted in various contexts.  

Discussion Papers

Raise awareness about specific issues where no resolution currently exists. They offer an introduction to the topic, current challenges, and recommendations for next steps, often incorporating anecdotal evidence and accounts from individuals close to the topic. 

Tools and Vision Papers

Practical guides and visionary documents offer tools, frameworks, and future directions for developing and implementing best practices. They help stakeholders understand and apply recovery principles in their work, ensuring a cohesive and forward-thinking approach.