Thinking about Recovery Together

A conversational approach

This Tool was created by people who have first hand experience with acute care wards — whether as staff, patients, or supporting loved ones. It’s based on wellness recovery action planning and aims to provide a practical tool for those working on or staying in Acute care wards. The main goal is to encourage conversations about Recovery. Instead of just focusing on diagnoses and medications, the approach focuses on understanding each person as an individual. It’s about learning who they are, their goals, and what matters to them. The document includes sections that can be used to start discussions in one-on-one or group settings among staff, patients, and their loved ones. By sharing their own thoughts using the prompts, staff can make these conversations more personal and meaningful. The use of 'we' throughout the document is meant to recognise our shared experiences and reduce any power imbalances. These conversations are meant to be ongoing and caring, helping to improve understanding and support for people on the wards. Feedback from users is encouraged to make this tool even more helpful.


5. Peer Support Workers: Theory and Practice


4. Recovery: A Carer’s Perspective