ImROC is working with the Malaysian Mental Health Services to develop an understanding of recovery focused values. Malaysia’s first 19 Peer Support Workers were trained by ImROC between July and September 2022.

SAPOT is a Malaysian social enterprise that has been tasked to pilot Peer Support Working across the country, to empower individuals in recovery through education and peer support worker training. SAPOT is the first organisation in Malaysia that is run by peers to serve peers in the mental health community. Read more about SAPOT here.

What is a SAPOT Warrior?

The SAPOT Warrior is the name given to individuals who have been trained by ImROC in 2022 in Peer Support. They are people who have recovered or in the process of recovering from mental health issues, using their lived experience to support others with a recovery-oriented approach.

SAPOT in Malaysia have established a formal partnership with ImROC who have committed to support the further development of Recovery focused mental health services across the country. The Lead for ImROC in Malaysia is our Senior Consultant Jane Rennison. Jane can be contacted here to discuss new work, the current work and future ImROC Developments in Malaysia.